Thursday, October 1

Hx - Enough!

Okay, can I just say something?  Medical school is hard.  And my class is one test into a seven-test, four week stretch of midterms hell.  People are getting beaten down and discouraged, starting to question themselves and their commitment to medicine.  People are starting to complain a lot and feel totally pessimistic.  Days are filled with nothing but frantic studying, trying to get things done while knowing that it is literally impossible to fully catch up.

But you know what?

I'm happy to be here.

I want to be right where I am.  People are starting to ask things like, "If you won 10 million dollars right now, would you stay?"  Yes, I would.  I'd become a doctor and then get to work for free like I've always wanted.  Because I want to.  Because I'm 22 bloody years old and once the shiny newness of being rich wore off in a few months or a few years, I would have nothing to do and no purpose in life other than being rich, which is ridiculous.  I want to be here and I'm not going to apologise for having a calling instead of a career.  It's not that I love my classes or can't get enough of the time I spend stuck in a room with the same 100 people.  It's that I'm going to be a doctor and that's what I'm made for, and there's nothing more fulfilling than knowing that I'm finally on the direct track to fulfilling my purpose.  I understand that a lot of people are losing their way a little right now, and I have some sympathy for that, but they are making it harder on themselves by staring longingly at the exit every day.

Bottom line:  don't be here if you don't want to be here.

P.S. Did I mention that I'm glad x 15284523487235 that I took histology already?  Because I am.  A whole lot.

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