Saturday, June 15

Blog name and address change

Hey, in honor of all of the new ridiculous stories I'm going to have as a resident, I'm changing my blog name and address.  This matters because this blog will no longer exist under the old address/ name.  So:

old name - Almost a D.O.ctor;

new name (!) - Practically a D.O.ctor,

A friend suggested the clever name change to accompany the change in status.  I will really be practicing being a doctor now, in the sense that I will have to try to work out patient care on my own and in large part my attendings will exist as a safety net.  This is quite different from how you work as a medical student, where you have really no autonomy and there is always someone looking over your shoulder.

I will change the site name in about one week.  It doesn't look like there's a forwarding service that I can set up, so don't forget!


  1. You can get Blogger to redirect your old one to the new site if you want. You have to go into edit your HTML, but I can show you if you want. :-) Just email me!

    1. Ah, thank you and I will certainly take you up on that!
