Monday, May 6

Minor epiphany

I was in the middle of something that needs doing, but I just had an epiphany and I want to make sure I write it down somewhere, because it's important to me, and when things are important to me (and even when they're not), I write them down.

When I say I need to do work that matters, I just realised I mean I need my work to be irreplaceable to the people I'm working to help.  And I mean that in a very specific way.  I don't need to be the best (although I need to be my best, but that is obviously not the same thing); I don't need to do something new or unique.  But I need to work somewhere and with people who don't have other comparable options.  I don't want to be Dr. Zoe Almost on a list of 37 doctors you have access to who could provide the exact same service for you.  You don't need me around in that case.  No, I need the skills I'm learning to be used to plug a hole for people.  That means:

1. I need to serve in an area where there aren't many other doctors;

2. I need to serve a group of people that most doctors don't serve;

3. or both.

Listen, I still have no idea what this means in the practical sense.  Which maybe is okay for now?  It helps me to understand why I have no drive to be a doctor to nice suburban people, at any rate.  If there's one thing I hate seeing, it's waste; if there's one thing I hate being, it's superfluous.  And being yet another doctor available to people with lots of resources is a waste of what I'm learning that would render me redundant. 

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